Head Staff

Vanessa Miles- Director
Vanessa received an undergraduate degree in Psychology from The University of Colorado and a Masters in Education from The University of Texas. Upon leaving Austin, Vanessa returned to Colorado to be a Special Education teacher. She spent her first two years teaching 6, 7, and 8 year old students in a self-contained classroom for children with emotional and behavioral disabilities. The following two years she taught middle school students with learning disabilities. Her first daughter was born in February, 2000 thereby putting a temporary end to her teaching career. She is now a busy stay at home mom with five children.

Haley Evans- Assistant Director
Haley Evans has been working at Jimmy Club for seven years! She began as a junior counselor and has been a counselor in many areas including dance, cheer, and swim. Her favorite part about the camp days is morning meeting and singing songs! She graduated from Oglethorpe University and is now a kindergarten teacher at Bricolage Academy.

Ellie Miles- Assistant Director
Ellie was a camper, counselor for several years, art director and now head counselor at Jimmy Club. She loves working with kids and takes every opportunity to do so, whether that be managing youth programs at a non profit in Ecuador, working for away camps, volunteering at school, or Jimmy Club. She currently goes to Colorado College and is super excited about this summer!
Join Our Team
As a Jimmy Club counselor, we expect you to bring energy, positivity, and a responsible attitude to camp each day. Your duties include planning daily activities for campers in your assigned area, supervising campers, maintaining a safe , inclusive, and comfortable environment, and acting as a role model and mentor for campers. We expect counselors to have excellent communication and creative problem solving skills, work well on a team, and maintain a patient, fun loving, and confident attitude through any situation.
Jimmy Club is an excellent opportunity for counselors to expand their communities and meet new people in the New Orleans area. We create a loving and positive environment for staff to grow as well as campers, and hope for this to be a space where counselors can develop and strengthen their problem solving and leadership skills.
You are expected to be at your bus stop at 7:45, camp runs from 8:30 to 3:00, and you will arrive back at your bus stop around 3:30/4:00.